Monday, July 20, 2015

Living My 60th Year - NCTV ...

It was Extravaganza here all week.  My volunteering surrounded the events and the station.  We, NCTV,  are awaiting a large grant to arrive any day now, once the state of CT gets going.  This organization is funded primarily with government grants.  Anyone that knows grants, let alone from the government, are at the whim of political powers to be.

The group has been anticipating this grant that would allow us to upgrade to HD production.  All the avenues that we are pushing the content to are all switching to HD.  In the business, we can not snooze!

While it is really techie, I'm learning lots about the station that I can help with.    I've had the chance to edit part of a program we filmed with adding the graphics to the "bottom third".  Watch the TV news, did you notice the bottom third the screen?  Then we gave me some 'permissions' to update the website with writing some code to link our programs to the website. That takes me back to the days I used to do some programing.  A simply misplaced comma and it won't work.  

What is amazing with this group - they are amazingly bright individuals.  Each of them with their speciality - audio, editing, filming, content, and the list goes on.  

Anyway - Extravaganza - this was my second year as the on-air talent.  Mike G was my cameraman  once again.  It is amazing how much the talent and camera guy work to get the best.  Besides interviewing people at random, we sought out certain folks that were in charge of the event, other notable individuals from the community.  

Then we separated to obtain additional footage close ups that help will help fill out and transition during the film.   Great experience for me to "see" what the camera can pick up.   He picked up footage from Wednesday night, we teamed up for Friday night footage and interviews, and then all day on Saturday doing pretty much the same.  

I'm having fun with this, even with the learning curve and learning and earning the trust of the group.  Most of the background work is helping make up processes so that we have less time in the admin side of the station and therefore having more time to work on content.  

One idea came as I interviewed various people and organizations - we need a show on the station that highlights these organizations.  So I guess I'm going to be writing up a proposal in the middle of the HD upgrade.  

Great week - lots of stimulus, other areas were equally good.  More on the minimization of 'stuff', and clearing up items.  Thanks for stopping by and see you next week!

Here's to a year of catching the dreams you chase,
doing what makes you smile,
and loving the life you live.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Living my 60th Year - little things

Little Things that give us pleasure.

Little things can give us so much satisfaction and pleasure.  I'm sure each of you have a host of items, no matter the size or frequency that really make your day.  This past week there was lots of little pleasures.

Cleaning pleasures -   First of all, the week had the big cleaning day I do once a month.  From one month to the next, my minimalist measures continue to make a difference in how my place feels around me.   A bit more accomplished, few more items disposed of by some manner, my space stays in better shape as I can keep it up to date  - everything in it's place or at least, has a place!

Teaching pleasures - My girlfriend's son, Ian, was over for a bit.  Great kid and he's learning about making choices, at ten years old.  He's getting to determine what he would want or like to do and the costs $$'s.  Beginning to get grounded in learning how his choice make consequences.  Love seeing the light go on, or  an aha look.

Working pleasures - Solid work time scheduled without any interruptions.  This is like heaven as I am so much more productive.  

Craft time pleasures - Whether it be making lace and crochet, or pinning pictures, a little bit of time everyday puts the beauty of creation higher on the conscious level.   Over the last few weeks, I've finished up a bunch of little projects.  I was able to give away a scarf I just finished to a friend of mine.  She was so excited as she is going to a patriotic event in a couple of weeks and will be wearing it.  That pleasure of making it was doubled when  I was able to give it to someone who would enjoy it.  

Garden time pleasures - Pull weeds and some more weeds and lots and lots of peas and squash!  It is so quiet at the garden, a peaceful place to get away from the rush of the day.

Volunteering pleasures - seeing work come together, working with other folks that truly share the same desires to more an organization forward.  TV gang is getting the files up that we serve to the town here.   I'm doing some website coding, kinda fun yet frustrating - a little learn as you go.  I do the simple stuff and the complicated stuff goes to the experts in the group.

What are your little things?  

Here's to a year of catching the dreams you chase,
doing what makes you smile,
and loving the life you live.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Minimalism - June - Progress!

As my kick off month - I am making tremendous progress.  Are You?

Going minimalist living takes courage to find ways to dispose, eliminate, and change your head of what is important.  Stuff for the safe of stuff takes away your energy, time, and money.  I started this challenge last November.  Looking ahead, I've got five more months to my big celebration.

Here's the round up of some of the progress that happened for the Month of June.

Cubbies in the kitchen - there are four left to do out of sixteen!

Garage - began to clear out some stuff, a little at a time.  Since I've moved so much of the stuff into this space, it is creating a little bit of an overwhelming feeling.  Best thing is to pull back a little, and break tasks down into smaller chunks so something can be done.  

That's the Key to Success - break down tasks and get something done!

There was a little setback as the tables I borrowed from a neighbor to use in the garage had to be returned.  Si la vie ---- I've cleaned off another table I have and will embark on the garage once again!

Storm damage - the ceiling got done in the studio, the carpet was looked at, and supposedly the floor is okay and the Assoc will be sending someone soon?

Craft items - I started to get a little carried away.  I cleaned out the closet where I keep stuff, rearranged items so they can be used, threw out items, and found the missing in action beads I purchased last November.  What  I really found is that I have more space than I thought!

I reclaimed projects - which is to say I'm not going to finish them any longer.  So I unraveled the thread / yarn that I can use for another project.  Cut off the samples and put in my sample box.  This was the first big go around probably since I moved in.  Now the bed is covered with those projects / items that need attention but not right now.  They can sit for awhile and let them stir around in my subconscious.  Occasionally, I go and look at the closet and smile!

My lace pillows  and supplies received a first big overhaul.   I found a batch of snowflakes that I made and tucked away.  That makes a dent in my challenge to make 50 snowflakes this year!  Yippie! The star project got a big boost as I starched the little guys - so easy with a little water and all purpose white glue and pin them to the board.  The stars look amazing.

Farm - the plots are some what done or as done as it is going to be.  The squash is looking really great, the tom's are growing and have some fruit on them.  We've been weeding and weeding.  Least favorite item to do -  but it is happening.  We have picked some squash.  It's now time to go in maintain mode and let mother nature do her thing.

Books , Books, and more Books.  I was able to go through more bookshelves and get rid of more books - some went to the library for their book sale, others were tossed.

Revisit - part of this minimalism is that it is very difficult to change the way you have lived.  So I went back to the front hall closet and cleaned it out again.  This time it took only about 30 minutes and I found a winter coat that can be given away!

Organized more "paper work", undo piles - you know what those are.  Most of us have them.  So I took a small handful and sorted them out.  It was surprising (not really) that more than half were tossed out and the other half were filed in places that had been set aside for exactly that.  Then gradually, I took another handful and then another.  Before I knew it, all of the pile was sorted, scanned, filed, and tossed.  Note to self -- remember to put it away while you have it in your hands!

Minimalist living doesn't mean you are a hermit.  I arranged several get-togethers with friends I hadn't seen for  a while.  What a nice time and that allowed me to celebrate these accomplishments.

Thank you to the month of June!  I feel so much better!  Now on to July.....

Monday, July 6, 2015

Living My 60th Year - about half over

Yes it is almost my half birthday!  Can you believe that half of the calendar year has past us by?
For me the first four months are buried in lots of work and therefore I've pretty much celebrated May 1st as my happy new year and the year which lasts eight months.

I have mini celebrations the first of each month.  Why you may ask?  Because I can and deserve to take a moment out to celebrate me.  For the 1st of July - I treated myself out for dinner at a local joint called TJs.  Got to sit on the patio, enjoyed a simple meal and read fun lace magazines!  

Over the past week, I completed more stuff!  Stuff I won't need to complete again.  It truly feels like small weights are being lifted.

With a little less on my plate, I have had the chance in the last week to complete some of my 'art' projects.  The sand dollar and shell were given to me by Iris who escapes our winter in Florida.  So the shell sat on my table as I continued to think about it.  then I found the doily and the hoop - viola it is now complete and hanging up in my home.  It reminds me of our friendship, the beach and of course, lace.

Then the Red/White/Blue scarf was completed.  I had enough thread and time to create another, a string scarf.  My design, inspired by a few scarves I 'pinned'.  Wow - expand my mind.  The string scarf reminded me of a piece of jewelry my mom has.  Now I have two scarves just in time for the 4th of July!  

Oh my goodness - the star project is now complete.  I pulled down the grid, removed the crystal and lace, and put up the stars.   All the yarn is used up!  Here's a look see of the grid.  I'm thinking I would like to add more stars to the grid.  I'll wait until I get one of those 40% coupons for JoAnn's to get another package of those mini skeins.   In the mean time, I am loving my stars - the colors are so bright and cheery.

My June went well, using my accomplishment journal, I am seeing that I am getting back in my saddle. I am getting things done and behind me.  

Lucky now it is summer as some of my charity work really slows down.  The local community TV group on the other hand is ramping up.  We need more volunteers which can always be a struggle.  

Like many organizations, they do not reach out or remember to market themselves.  We have some new blood, so new ideas are surfacing.  I'm completing an admin task for them.  Revamping some documents - updating them for the changes in technology, address change for some (lol they moved five years ago), even getting to learn some HTML code for addressing simple changes on the website.  It's kinda fun to write code - haven't done that in ....ah  lets say in many years.  I also had the opportunity to assist to help in adding graphics (post production) to video we shot several months ago.  It's like a new adventure - I'm out of the house, around some really techie folks, fun.

This coming week is quieter with no big appointments.  It's time for me to go back to my list of stuff and see what I could start and /or complete this month.  We have concerts in the park, our big Extravaganza week, a week long town event ending in fireworks in two weeks.  Make dates with friends, and the items around the place that I need to address.   I already made one goal - have the shredding company come by again after 8/15.  

What is your second half of the year look like?  Have you made plans to complete the todo's you have; make dates with family and friends; treat yourself?   Sit down with your calendar - make some dates for you!

Here's to a year of catching the dreams you chase,
doing what makes you smile,
and loving the life you live.

Friday, July 3, 2015

July 4th - Remember the day

Celebrating Independence Day, the day the United States formally adopted their independence in 1776 and the separation from Great Britain.  It is truly a cause for celebration.  We will tumble and evolve, we will continue to fight for freedom.  Happy 239th Birthday America!

Irving Berlin wrote this song in 1918 and was shelved until 1938.  That's when Kate Smith sang it on her radio show..... and as they say, the rest is history.  Hope you will listen in.......

Living My 60th Year - Git 'r done

Has been my mantra for the last month or so.  Most of you may remember Larry the Cable Guy who said this just about every time he was seen.  He was/is so funny.  If you remember him, it dates back to the early '90s!  Twitter (2006) and Facebook (2004) were not around and we gathered around TV and some radio.  

Chat rooms were the rage in the late 1990s.  I remember connecting with an amazing group of people all over the eastern seaboard on an MSN.  We even had a couple of get-togethers out on Long Island, NY.

But I digress - Git 'r Done has been my mantra.  I've been using two methods to kick start and fire up my personal engine that seemed to be idling for too long.

Method One is to write down what you have accomplished today.  Doesn't have to be earth shattering, none of the items were.  Yet after several days you will feel a sense of accomplishment. Heck after this month I feel so much better!  I really do!  

Method Two was to take an inventory of what I want to get done.  That is always a moving target, one thing gets done and two or three more pop up out of no where!  This type of list could actually get you not to do anything.  It may be to daunting at first. 

Writing it down gets it out of your mind, relieves you to concentrate on getting something done!  I find that when I have a spot of time, and I say to self, "self, get something done off the list" and viola, my list reminds me of what I could do at the moment.  I call those spots of time, bonuses!  Now who doesn't love a bonus!

So this past week - CPE was worked on; cleared more files and extensions; pinned more lace to my Pinterest boards and surpassed 4,000 pins - yeah; been weeding on the farm; worked on the stars project - last of the starching is just about complete; wrote thank you cards; mailed a box of goodies to one of my nieces; lunch with a friend of mine; watched a movie; wrote my first bit of code in WordPress.  Oh my goodness, pretty darn good.

Happy July 1st - Happy July 4th - and choose  a Git 'r Done kind of week.  Whatever makes you feel great - friends, family, or just for you!