Fun is... when you come out of a long meeting to be able to see a rainbow end on the roof of Lucy Robbins Welles Library. The pot of gold lies within this very place here in Newington. Somewhere in the universe, the rainbow said to me that we will be able to continue to create one of the best libraries in the area.
I've been focusing on the library and its expansion plans. While a trustee, I'm not on the facility committee, though I would attend the committee meeting as a 'guest' had I know when it met. One of my pet peeves with this group is lack of communication.
The Town Council finally got around to formally starting a building committee. The LIBRARY RENOVATIONS/ADDITION PROJECT BUILDING COMMITTEE (LRAPBC) (that's a mouthful) was formed back in April, five of seven members approved in short time, and the last two members approved at in July. They finally had their first meeting on July 27th. I was there and taped the meeting. I'm planning on being their to video tape their meetings. I did request, to the Director, after the meeting, that the LRAPBC hold their meetings in the meeting rooms that have mic's as the audio was a very, very poor quality.
I did say I video taped the meeting! Yeah, I signed out a camera and tripod from NCTV (our community TV station) and will start to do live shoots. The only way to learn, in some cases, is just to get out there and do it. It is a very boring shoot. The room was to small, so I couldn't focus in on the individuals speaking. I did the Library meeting on Monday night and the Parks & Rec Informational meeting on Wed night. The P&R went better as they met in a bigger room and allow me to focus on the speakers.
Now I need studio time to transfer the files up to the edit machine. That took a really long time. Note to self - need to find a better way to transfer the files. So while I was waiting the transfer, I began to make the graphics for the bottom third. Our expert, Scott, was there and he was able in a quick few minutes to instruct me what to do, some good points about software we use, and how to work the layers. Great start. Unfortunate part, I need to be at the studio to work the editing at this moment. The studio has limited access at this time. We shall see how that changes in the near future. This opportunity to video is like a kid in the candy store to me. It's only the beginning - maybe some gold dust will fall on me.
The Shelby - I've been working on this blanket for just too long. Having had the opportunity to visit with Shelby (niece), she was able to try it on for size. She was so excited. Ahhh - it needed to be expanded in length. Maybe one more row or two? We settled on two more rows. Over the other weekend, I had almost an entire day to work on the blanket.
What a joy to work on this blanket especially since Shelby was here. It's tying in so many of the rows, adding the balance of the squares and really see it take shape. What was really nice - was working outside and having the sun as my light source. Looking forward to getting this completed by the end of August!
These two weeks have been filling my pot of gold - helping in my community, learning a new discipline, and seeing my work appreciated. Cha ching!
Here's to a year of catching the dreams you chase,
doing what makes you smile,
and loving the life you live.