Friday, June 27, 2008

No injuries - amazing

With all the preparations, making boxes, moving them to and fro, taking down two walls, trash, etc., I haven't injured myself. Patty's school of grace and charm, I can generally can get someplace before my body arrives. It's a brainy thing. It's probably why I can walk around the same furniture in the same places and still bump in to them. A permanent stubbed toe and B&B on my shin!

Now I can tell you the name of several new muscles I've come to know! Many of them continue to check in "loudly" and then quiet down for a few hours. I definitely need a manicure and a pedicure. You'd think I have construction hands. I've been measuring my "steps" taken each day. This home means more walking around and lots and lots of stairs. It's been a little hard of the knees, but that's usual. Yet my activity has increased - a good thing. When the days at the office are long, I really need to push to get the steps in. Next week I get back into my yoga class - I missed it this week due to a client committment. I'm nowgoing to try my new foot massage bath, a gift from Ms Lesley, great girlfriend of mine now living in MO.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Home stretch

I've been going back and forth between the two units. It's kinda sad when I go back there. So many memories, yet it is just that. It is my past, not my tomorrow. Tomorrow is exciting, something new, an adventure.

This weekend I will have to paint the ceiling and walls and woodwork in the old office. I'll measure the rug and get a new one, and then the furniture will be placed around and should be ready to sell!

The Inn at Crown Ridge is Taking Reservations

My first reservations have been taken. My sweet niece, Savannah, has been patiently waiting to have her sleep over at "aunt patty's". She was so intent that she left me a message in a stern voice that I should contact her right away! So with checking the schedules for all those concerned, bingo, reservation made. Now I must get the 2nd bedroom ready to accept guests.

The weekend after will be her sister, Jordan's turn. It will be extravaganza weekend here. Arts & Crafts, kids stuff, then really great fireworks in the evening. It should be pretty good.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

7th night

wow... time has flown. It will be one week at my new place! It is hard to believe yet parts of me feel like I've been here for a while and yet I feel like a stranger. So what has happened?

Appointments for the Radon and Garage Door have been made; nice to be able to get them on the same day. If I could get an electrician to be available on that day, I'd get the front door light fixed, a few little pesky items like switches that need to be reversed, fans that need wiring to a wall switch and a remote, and another cable drop to the main floor.

The garage is being whittled away a few items at a time. I stage the stuff in the evening, and the next day get them done. Goal is that my the end of the garage door day - I can get my car into the garage for it's first night. whoo hoo!

When the radon system is installed, I should be able to get the other half of the basement in order. Then the boxes will stop haunting me.

Lesley and her sister Patricia came by yesterday. Lesley is such a dear friend, and now lives about 1-1/2 hours away from St. Louis. She was my assistant, I miss her. We hung out and I helped a bit with the tag sale she was having as she and sister needed to clean out their mother's home. I was able to purchase a little microwave, for now, and some dishes. Then I wanted to get this oval side table, yet Lesley wouldn't hear of it and gave it to me. It is now in my bedroom holding up the little tv. It's amazing how it just fits in. I'll have a bit of Lesley with me. I'll be storing some of "mom's" possessions for her daughter Shannon. I'm glad that I can help her out for the time being.

My bedroom is clean up, seems to be in order pretty good. The second bedroom is not even touched. I did fix the hallway bath - shower curtain, towels, bath mat. looks a little better. Yet it is too beige.

For now, it's going good, in another week, I should be out of all boxes!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

First Night

So I did stay my first night last night at my new home. Though the boxes are continually calling to me to unpack them. It is tough on the psyche to have most of your possessions in boxes. Glad I don't do it too often. I did three washes last night in my washer / dryer. I'm not sure I like the dryer yet - I can't seem to get the timing correct.

I'm still looking for my wine glasses - I thought we took them with us - now I can't find them! Must remeber to look for them at the old place? I did finally find the linens - the box was in the linen closet LOL! to dang logical. I found my tooth brush and assorted potions. Yet the bath hasn't any storage! I did make my old place pretty nice when it came to storage.

Last night Julie(neighbor) and I began to open the boxes in the office. We started in the corner, vaccumed the bits from the destruction of the wall, washed the desk and assorted furniture since it was all empty. then it was to connect the million cables and assorted wires to get my computer up and running. Got everything completed and working expect the DSL - something wasn't working correctly. The AT&T guy was just here and he said it was okay? Yeah right? So finally after many calls to tech support in the middle of the night and during the day today, by 5pm I get the tech guy here. He assists in clearing up the frequency and the filters. It appears that I can get faster downloads because I'm 500 yds closer!

Any way - it has been a long day - spent an hour at the old place getting more of my stuff - still lots to go and of course there is the cleaning of it yet. Till later....... sweet dreams.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Today is the Move

Muscles ache, feet are sore - and the big day is to begin.

I did get one of the walls down last night - it was a long process. Taking it apart in the reverse - finding nails, screws, then those nails that were holding the plate into the concrete - those were the toughest. I've a small place to patch, depends on what the desk covers! LOL

My place is almost there - I'll be glad when the last of the boxes arrive and I can pack the balance of the office and a bookcase and the basement misc.

Hopefully all will be well in about eight hours - see you from the new place.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Move.... only a day away

It's been a whirl wind of packing. Actually not bad at all. Mostly rearranging my stuff to be in the proper place in order to pack the boxes.

The movers had brought over 30 boxes and I'm just about through them. I spoke with the movers this a.m. and they will bring more boxes tomorrow.

A neighbor friend, Tom lent a hand and car to assist with the odd ball items on Sunday. We packed a few boxes and bags and brought them over to the new place. Then brought the boxes back and reloaded them. Repeated this about three times. Lots of stuff is gone - still lots to go.

The office is finally becoming empty - what a difference. It does need a paint job!

Cable guys are coming tomorrow 1-3 and the phone guys coming 12-4; electric is on and so is the gas. I'm just remembering - I need lamps of some type LOL!! I should find a few at goodwill.

okay - the office is officially closed till tomorrow night! Finish packing up the stuff here, wall needs to come down, and a few more misc items.

PS - down 4lbs in the last 2 days! Yahoo - this is going to be a great new year!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The CLOSE - Friday the 13th

So it finally became the lucky day. I recieved a phone call around 10am saying that I could close in another hour and to get to my attorney's office ASAP.

Buying real estate means that you must kill a few trees - use a half a gallon of ink,blue - and sign the papers.

The Seller, Cathy came later, with her Agent and Attorney. It was just amazing how rude the Attorney and Agent were. They wished to just ignore me! LOL not on their life - I walked right up - stuck out my hand and with the widest grin - said HI - I'm Patty. My attorney just winked at me :) after all the $$'s were exchanged, then it was good by and I had to do it again.

Now the seller, Cathy is the daughter of the owner (her mom) who passed away very tragically. When I saw the contract, it was Cathy that married my friend, Tom. Tom had lived at Woodsedge and he and I served together on the Association's Board of Directors. Small World

Anyway - I OWN the UNIT! Later that day, after a much needed massage, I met with the locksmith and had the place rekeyed. Wow - it's been the fastest month. I saw the unit on May 14th and closed the deal on June 13th.

Radon & No Deal

It's been a bit hectic here. I saw my last post - it was a sad, confusing, fustrating etc day. The seller's attorney had to stick his nose into the transaction. We then went back and forth. Finally I said that if the seller didn't step up to the plate, the deal was off.

The only issue was that there is poisenous radon gas in my unit. Not really a big deal - it can be remediated for about $1000 +/-, and besides that the seller had already agreed to it. I had the test done since my neighbor Julie has radon in the unit next door. I also went for the hourly reading test - the best one. Their attorney needed to puff-up himself and to justify charging big bucks to my sellers. He wanted to have the unit tested for another 14 days!!!! When I went to do my final walk thru - oh my goodness - the windows in the basement were open! That is almost criminal, no shred of integrity, practally immoral. (Note the space being tested must be closed up for 12-24 hours at a minimum before the test can be started - opps !)

That just pisses me off - pissed off Lee, Agent and Amanda, Paralegal, let alone piss off Michele, Attorney. When I told my team of the open windows - that just killed it for me.

So I told them NO DEAL - my attorney said - hey doppy, she's walking and NO DEAL. Everyone slept on it - they came around and did exactly what I asked them to do two weeks ago.

And yes - I was ready to walk away. If it was meant to be - then it would come around.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Inspiration for this Blog

So how does one come to want to blog - be open and out there. It's a story to tell, maybe a soap box to linger on, or a tribute to someone.

I probably must say it was my niece Taylor, just turned 16 and she was beginning to blog about their family RV trip. Her dad, my youngest brother, has been blogging for over six month. I've had my hand with the pen and used to journal quite a bit, then it lost it's therapeutic value for a while.

It's a bit interesting to blog, don't know if anyone is reading it. It really doesn't matter. It's a new way, a different way, not very private I'll admit to that, yet in all it has a mystery.

I read one blog by someone I met so ever briefly. He's been at it for more than a year. It has been amazing to read about his stories, his tales of joys and fustrations, and his evolution through this year in his life.

So thank you Taylor! To everyone that passes by .... stop in and say hello.




For those that haven't seen the nomination ..

. click on image to see it
.. .
I am still wowed ...









. on image to see it




. . click on image to see it





Her Excellency's Official Statement

In all of this, you have probably known that I have many sticks in many fires. It is a source of my creativity, patience, and my continuing to acquire knowledge.
To this and in the midst of finding a new home, I have been selected to receive the 2008 Award for Individual Achievement from the Friends of Connecticut Libraries.
You are probably a recipient of my invite the the ceremony on June 14th when it will be awarded. In the mean time, here are the The Most Honorable Governor Rell's words.
Thank you Governor Rell for such kind words. I am honored to be able to make our back yard a little bit better for being here.
ps click on the image to enlarge it

Less than 24 hours to go!

It still continues - the new garage door isn't installed yet; don't know if the chimney is cleaned; don't know if the radon is remediated yet; though the heating and airconditioning has been corrected for now.

3Pm is the walkthru -

Mike came by with the saw, bar, and vac - LOL the vac is seat belted into my back seat!

The locksmiths are on board! The new locks/keys - to be completed tomorrow.

Big check is in my purse.

New insurance binder has arrived.

Stanley will begin his workout tomorrow - the next few days will be interesteing; Saturday is the my award ceremony so not much will be happening till late afternoon; Sunday is packing my place; Monday & Tues - work days, Wednesday is the Move! Yahoo

it's going to fall into place

Monday, June 9, 2008

Destruction Project - #1 - Office

Time to really begin getting serious as to what has to happen. In the new office area, there are these two half walls that kinda define part of the basement space. Unfortunately it cuts the space down to half of what my office is now. It looks like it will have to go. The furniture won't fit especially taking into account the lovely windows - I just love windows!

So how do I take down these two walls? Yes, they need to be down before the move. My brother, Mike, has the saw, shop vac, flat gizzmos - I have a hammer - LOL. He & I will meet some time during the week to make an exchange on these tools. Now this is to be 'easy' - score the wall where this thing is attached, remove the molding, knock out the wall board and find the studs, discover how it is attached to the wall and to the floor and pry the sucker out of there. I do know that I'll probably not have any carpeting under this thing. Oh well, I'll make it work- I have some left over laminate flooring I may be able to use?

Oh I have a idea brewing? Maybe I'll pull back the carpeting in this area and lay down laminate flooring? I did that in the bedroom closet here, on concrete - not too difficult unless you don't have knee pads! Solve the continous buying of floor mats, staples in the carpet that of course only bare feet can find, dust bunnies that take up residence, and it's really easy as there is only three walls! Stanley is up to it, I have a chop saw and all the bits and pieces from the job last summer.

Ok back on point, I think I still have some wallboard compound in the basement? sand paper - check, paint (put on list along with a piece of the desctructed wall board so it can be matched) get some- brushes - check. I can see it now - Home Depot & Lowes will be my new best friends.

Hmmm - this will be really fun ?

Electronic Gagdit Queen

It was a quite weekend on the move front. I continue to tweek my home to get ready to move. Are items in the best place? Do I have the correct and sufficient supplies? All those pesky questions, make a list, double check, and breathe a sigh that it will all happen without a mess, confusion, yet in an orderly fashion.

So my attention comes to the world of conveniences. Living in a small place - I'm like a queen of how to make it all work in a small and effecient space. Ok - how do I get to the front door without killing myself to get the deliveries or when a client stops by? First I thought of a door bell, need one chime in the basement and one on the third floor. My brother, Mike, says there is a door bell extender - and indeed there is. Simple enough to install myself! Thanks Mike. Yet thats just a play gagdit, what if I could have an intercom at the front door just like I have now? (ok one that works !) Then I could find out who has arrived , not kill myself with the stairs to get to the door in time. The FedEx guy is famous to 'ring' and 'run'. Oh Oh Oh, I can have video too! Now that's getting up to my speed. Safety first, I'm a safety girl.

Yes, while my new place is void of all fashion sense, it also doesn't have all the gagdits that are so near and dear to me. Fancy light switches, automatic timers, alarm systems, UPS systems all over the house.

I'll need alarms on the basement windows and doors, first floor front door. Keyless entry on the garage door, turn down themostat (though a new one was just installed - haven't seen it yet) door bell /intercome/video. Motion sensor lights at the back of the house, new front door light with auto on/off. Phone system, additional UPS systems, water leak dector for the water heater, the obvious smoke detectors and a CO detector. Begin switching the light switches to the flat kind, with dimmers.

Gagdits - I'm soon to become a gagdit queen - Watch Out - This is going to be real fun!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Last time I do that!

Making a move no matter how large or small, means lots of changes to the regular routines of life. If you haven't noticed or not yet admitted to it, yes you have a routine.

Now there will be new routines - the old ways won't be changed - they will fade into history; new ones will be tried on for size, massaged, and lo and behold become old hat in short time.

I've noticed that I find myself saying this will be the last time I do this .... and in the same breath .. hmmm how will it happen in the new place?

Last time - cheers! I won't ....
- have to drive over spring/summer/fall speed bumps
- have to trod in groceries from across the lot in the driving rain, snow, sleet or dark of night.
- have to scrape the snow and ice from my car or answer the bell when it's time to move the cars for the plow truck
- bring laundry to the basement
- unpack a portion of the closet to get out the extra TP
- unpack any of my neatly-too-organized-packed-I-live-in-a-small-place closets!
- repack the closets from light weight clothes to winter clothes
- sweep off my patio from the bits n pieces that fall from the neighbor upstairs
- moving my lace pillows around so that I don't trip over them
- listen to the neighbor upstairs, running, jumping, dropping all sorts of stuff, and assorted bathroom activities at what ever hours
- have to go to UPS central office to get my packages as they are not deliverable here
- worry that my neighbor upstairs water heater will leak
- have my trunk packed with car & picnic stuff as it's the only place for me to keep it - but yes my condo shovel comes in handy at the strangest places
- have to go to the car wash when it needs to be vacuumed
- have to get quarters to do laundry
- miss picking up my neighbors trash left in the foyer
- have to pick up my crochet projects and hide them away so my 'public' space looks picked up
- have to keep bars on all my windows or sleep with them closed

I will miss...
- feeding the squirrels, birds, chipmunks, turkeys, red fox, raccoons, and assorted other wild life that comes to my patio - I'll need to leave forwarding trail of food
- getting to see Nomar - Joe's cat
- seeing Joe in the a.m. and seeing Tom - two great neighbors
- my inside foyer mail box - and post lady Susan, she's the best. I'm trying to see if I can get her back on the Crown Ridge route!
- my two commercial washing machines and dryers
- the common hallway where us neighbors would meet to get the "news" about what was going on in our building
- my neighbors, some who are new and some who have lived here almost as long as I have
- the swimming pool and tennis courts - not really a big deal for me
- the use of the clubhouse to hold my parties
- the plow truck driver - I'll make coffee and fill his mug and then get all my neighbors to come out and move their cars - occasionally a snow ball fight!

I'm happy about the change, a bit nostalgic for the way I enjoyed myself. I really like/liked living here at Woodsedge. So a new day dawns, and like most days for me, a new adventure awaits.

~~~~ To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist - that is all. ~~~~

Commitment of a Other Kind

The call came yesterday, finally at the deadline, my commitment from the mortgage broker came through! This process is an amazing set of how to fit a borrower with a lender, a sort of match making. Lee, my agent, said that my lending package was the cleanest she has ever seen. I've really no contingencies related to close this entire deal.

So you fill out the application, they get your history, credit scores, assets, liabilities, tax history and, in my case, my firm and CPA license. The brokers crank the numbers and find some lender that will bet the farm with you. Let me tell you, I didn't need income to qualify for this loan! Now I can see how the 'sub-prime' market was very dangerous. I'll make another post on that tragedy.

A note on the credit scores. It is a mathematical summation of your borrowing and payment history, along with credit limits and whether or not you borrow money over time. The range of the possible scores are the same for each agency: 300 to 850. The three agencies, Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax, reported 823, 781, 803 for me. In the credit chapter of life, I look like a great bet.

It's not difficult to create great credit scores - first you MUST get your credit chapter in order. I have two credit cards - one for my business and one for me personally. Yes I have a couple of cards, like Lowes - I only used it to get the 10% off and deferred billing when I rehabed by kitchen at Woodsedge. This card was paid off a month before the date due and the card was then put away for the next project. All my bills come out of my checking by automatic debit. I gave up on the "control" and have the utilities and assorted other monthly bills come out of my checking or charged to my credit card. BTW - the credit card is automatically debited from my checking also! Therefore I'm never late :) Also, I never charge/borrow on the credit cards to the maximum limit. The broker indicated that shows "good financial responsibility". His words not mine. Now you can see, the how my scores are high.

Having great credit opens so many doors - better opportunities, better rates, and no contingencies. Come on folks - make the commitment of improving your credit scores. It is easy and really makes a difference to you and your family's financial picture. Give me a call if you need a consult!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Next round of responses

The chimney will be cleaned; the Association has been contacted for the radon and garage door; the motor has been pulled from the 'furnace' and then they will find out the problem with the heat and airconditioning. All in a days work.

Blip in the financing - though by tomorrow it should all be taken care off. 8:15am the lender is coming to me

Condo Doc's - the page showing my unit being declared is missing? LOL this is not the correct information. I called to get some of the information aobut the maintenance - got some, good news about the sewer back up and the corrections made - very happy. The next questions are on the financials - well that will be tomorrow once I see what papers my neighbor has for me to look at. Lots of numbers don't make sense?!@%#$@&#* Dang them accountants!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Begin the Packing - Successful Move 101

It's a new day - June 1st! I can't believe it at times, we have finished the first five months of the year - time does fly.

How do you do the most successful move - easy prepare for it. Talk, Walk, Think, and Plan it out. I've been going through each area, each corner, each shelf, whether it be in my mnds eye, or actually going through it. All items in their place, and more importantly, what will it destination be in my new place.

My goal, first to have the office up and running, kitchen, and bedroom the same day as of the move. I'll pack my 'home' on Sunday, it will be ready to go, no questions, no if and or buts. The office will be shut down on Tuesday night, the balance of it will be packed. Wednesday - the movers arrive at 7:30am. I truly expect them to pack the truck and and be on the road by 10:00 am. Their biggest challenge, I think, will be the desk in the office. It is a monster - L shaped - 8ft by 7ft footprint. The 8ft side has a hutch on it. It is heavier than all heck.

We should arrive at my new place at 10:15am (LOL!). Then it will be to re-assemble the desk again and place it in the space. I've been playing with my space organizing grid sheet. How do I set up the office is a bit irrating at the moment. I like my current set up, yet it was built for the room. There is a real sense on effeciency built in that I truly enjoy. I trust it will all comes together before 10am that day.

Pre-Packing arrangement of my few belongings has seemed to be falling in order. This has some relief, the living area and kitchen are left to do. The biggest of them all is the office. Yet with continued focus - that too will be in in order very soon. It's like some kind of accomplishment.

What is truly amazing, how I've packed, organized everything in a neat & orderly fashion. The Stager was surprized at my level of organization. A place for everything and everything in its place. Now all the stuff will need new places. I just laugh, such a change up, shake up. One of her suggestions was to get a clear plastic shoe organizer that you hang over the door. (one at BB&B as they have the best). So I took my 20% coupon from L&T, headed over and found this organizational tool. This is not for my shoes - I don't even own 24 pairs - it is for the bits & pieces that were in the bath cabinet/drawers and the linen closet.

Any way, it is off to another closet - I think those are just about complete!