Sunday, June 1, 2008

Begin the Packing - Successful Move 101

It's a new day - June 1st! I can't believe it at times, we have finished the first five months of the year - time does fly.

How do you do the most successful move - easy prepare for it. Talk, Walk, Think, and Plan it out. I've been going through each area, each corner, each shelf, whether it be in my mnds eye, or actually going through it. All items in their place, and more importantly, what will it destination be in my new place.

My goal, first to have the office up and running, kitchen, and bedroom the same day as of the move. I'll pack my 'home' on Sunday, it will be ready to go, no questions, no if and or buts. The office will be shut down on Tuesday night, the balance of it will be packed. Wednesday - the movers arrive at 7:30am. I truly expect them to pack the truck and and be on the road by 10:00 am. Their biggest challenge, I think, will be the desk in the office. It is a monster - L shaped - 8ft by 7ft footprint. The 8ft side has a hutch on it. It is heavier than all heck.

We should arrive at my new place at 10:15am (LOL!). Then it will be to re-assemble the desk again and place it in the space. I've been playing with my space organizing grid sheet. How do I set up the office is a bit irrating at the moment. I like my current set up, yet it was built for the room. There is a real sense on effeciency built in that I truly enjoy. I trust it will all comes together before 10am that day.

Pre-Packing arrangement of my few belongings has seemed to be falling in order. This has some relief, the living area and kitchen are left to do. The biggest of them all is the office. Yet with continued focus - that too will be in in order very soon. It's like some kind of accomplishment.

What is truly amazing, how I've packed, organized everything in a neat & orderly fashion. The Stager was surprized at my level of organization. A place for everything and everything in its place. Now all the stuff will need new places. I just laugh, such a change up, shake up. One of her suggestions was to get a clear plastic shoe organizer that you hang over the door. (one at BB&B as they have the best). So I took my 20% coupon from L&T, headed over and found this organizational tool. This is not for my shoes - I don't even own 24 pairs - it is for the bits & pieces that were in the bath cabinet/drawers and the linen closet.

Any way, it is off to another closet - I think those are just about complete!

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