Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Stars

There is this site that I visit most days. It allows me to get new screen backdrops and to wonder who is really looking at us. Astronomy Picture of the Day

It would be too much to think we are the brightest - take a feast at this pictures of what is out there waiting for us to discover.

Last night was so unbelievably clear - I just can stand and say wow. When I was little my dad and I made a 6" refactor lens. I moved it with me to my new home. Hopefully I'll have a little more time and possibly be able to get the pieces to finish the scope.

Looking out beyond your little back yard, to imagine "what if", to say "why", and to just think about the world as it stands. Sometimes we get caught up in such nonsenses, such little insignificant crappy stuff, we forget who we are and our purpose.

Get outside - it is truly a humbling experience and in my opinion - wakes up the inner you!

To see prior days click on 'archive' at the bottom of the page or click here.


Fols said...

The day you finish that telescope is the day I dance a jig!!! I can't belive you still have that thing. Didn't you keep it in a cookie tin? I remember that big thick piece of also reminds me of the rug.....maybe I will have to do that jig afterall

Patty said...

Start dancing....... I did finish the rug - I'll get the picture for you!