Wednesday, October 22, 2008

13 days to go - GO WEST ....... yippie i o

... tic toc tic toc..... it's amazing as the time flies by. The list is long of to-do's hasn't felt like it is getting any shorter. I have an appointment with my sis-in-law to go over the schedule for my time there. I won't be arriving until supper time, and they leave 1st thing the next a.m. Not much time to get my feet wet LOL.

So I need to close of my old place; do three major mailings; garage shelving system installed; two moves - one amatuer and one professional; visit friend in hospital who was hit by a bus - not good; sign up citizens for library cards; prep my assistant with work; get the health/beauty day in; finish the work for a quarter; attend a seminar; pack and ship some of my stuff; LOL - sounds like a normal October to me!

ps oh yeah, i need a new pair of shoes!


Fols said...

it's amazing what a vacation or a party can get you to do. I always find I am most productive right before a vacation or time away.

Patty said...

oh yeah...LOL... my little bro has the most amazing wife, while he may be productive, it's my sis-in-law. Yes my sis-in-law, Denise, is a master at coordinateing six individuals time schedules in order- call it a family! and a phew from me! hmmm wonder if she would be my campaign mangager????

Patty said...

oh yeah...LOL... my little bro has the most amazing wife, while he may be productive, it's my sis-in-law. Yes my sis-in-law, Denise, is a master at coordinateing six individuals time schedules in order- call it a family! and a phew from me! hmmm wonder if she would be my campaign mangager????