Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Hi all,

Hope you are enjoying good health, some fun with friends and family. I unfortunately fell to a few cold germs that kept me away from the general population. The one holiday I do so enjoy.... didn't happen for me :( I guess there is always this year!!! 355 days to go.

So have you made any resolutions? Isn't this the time of year that so many do? They busily make up a list and then with all good intentions, make an effort to carry them out. Then only a short time later, the list is buried under an unending mess of what they call life. So this year, make a committment to one item from your list. Next write it out, and believe in it, write it on a card and tape it around - like the bathroom mirror, sun visor in the car, on the inside of the refrigerator. By making the committment to one resolution, then your focus can stay on target, you'll be successful. Give it a try!

May you and yours have a happy and healthy New Year

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