Sunday, March 8, 2009

Schedule time for YOU

This time of year can be a bit harried as the deadlines draw near in my business life. Though, one must remember to schedule time for yourself. Our lives can be so "busy" - sometimes the wrong kind of busy. So right now - it's time to look at what you do for yourself. Remeber the oxygen mask instructions the flight attendands gives, that is you are to put your's on first then assist others.

One of the things I do for myself on a pretty regular basis - no chores on the weekend! I make sure that those are completed during the week. Laundry on Thursday, grocery on Wednesday, baths are done each day with a quick wipe down and once a week hit on Thursday. I'll hit the floors on an as needed basis. Keeping chores down to a minimum, gives me time on the weekend to enjoy some quiet time for me. It also doesn't make a day of chores - they are spread out over the week and generally take only 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there.

I also plan to attend a couple of events during the month. I check out the lectures, reveiw the video list and make reservations to obtain some from the library, make plans to visit with friends.

The Time for Me is also to set-up and work towards my goals. At my master mind meeting we discuss successes, challenges and the goals for the next month. This time spent in "planning" is amazing! Chores and errands can be combined, some even eliminated when you make the time to look at what is ahead of you.

So as we begin the month of March - Take Time for You - you are most deserving.

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