Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

.... What a holiday? When did it start? So to the research I go. The Huffington Post had a great article. The end of the Celtic year is where this 'harvest' festival seems to have come about. It was believed that at the end of this year, it was when the spirts came out to speak with the priests.

Check out "History of Halloween". It's discussion of when the first recorded history in this country was about 1915.

Of course the tricks and treats, the jack-o-lanterns, lots of costumes, and a great time to have a party! During my childhood, besides getting chocolates and apples and all sorts of goodies - we did Trick or Treat for UNICEF. I haven't seen a UNICEF box in I don't know how long? While the program exists, why are we not doing the program? Somehow it's probably a lame excuse!

This evening - I wish all those gobblins and goulish creatures - lots of treats and stay safe!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anniversay Coming Up

A year ago I was awaiting the closing on my former home and finally being able to move my personal belongings to my new home. In the midst of it all, packing my office for a children sitting stay in St. Louis, an election, and assorted other items in my life.

So a year has passed, the St. Louis trip was great to stay with my nieces and nephew. The move meant I would have furniture in my home. The election - we all know what happened.

When I moved, I promised myself that within a year, I'd be unpacked and better functioning than at my former home. Now, with only a few days to the 1st, I'm a bit frantic with cleaning up the last of the bits and pieces I haven't done yet. A couple of weeks ago, I unpacked the last box when the sideboard arrived for the dining area. That was a great relief. There are now a few items in the garage that need to be cleaned up. Do garages ever stay clean? I hope so as I'd like to get my car back into it. The last couple of client files of older papers need to be scanned, some straightening out of a couple of closets, especially the basement storage. I need to get the studio in better order - it's been a work in progress between guest visits and lace demonstrating events and life in general. It doesn't look much different from a year ago.

Wish me luck - I know I'll make it by the 1st!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Women - all over the world

In my readings, sometimes I come across such moving information, advice and wisdom. Tonight was just one of those nights.

Thanks to a blog, Get Rich Slowly, JD highlights this very important museum exhibition - Econimica: Women and the Global Economy. It is being shown online at the International Museum of Women IMOW.

If you do anything in the next couple of days - please stop by and see this exhibition. IMOW mission is to value the lives of women around the world. The exhibition highlights what microlending has done to empower women and in turn how their individual communities have evolved. Though some slideshows, you can visit China, India, and Bolivia just to name a few. I have been so moved. While we have come 'along way baby', even in this country women still don't have the same opportunities. It is much better than those fights we had back in the sixties and seventies. Let alone the decades that women stood up and fought for their rights to give me opportunities. Think about it, it isn't over. Take a look, you may be surprised what women in other contries are still coping with. May these women be blessed with courage and strength as they continue to thrive and grow.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Trio of Movies

After a gueling time with work, I often like to take out a few movies from the library. It helps me relax, divert my attention away from those busy days.

I'm not a big buff of movies. Ocassionally you'll find me at the cine to see a newly released film as you need to be seen on the 'big screen'. This past summer with my nephew, Spencer, we saw the Dinosaurs - a 3-D film. That was fun as you could feel the animals almost drooling in your lap. He and I would jump every so often as they leap off the screen over our heads.

I don't head out to pick up specific movies - I go with the flow. It is interesting that on several ocassions at the library, I have brought back only foreign films. I'm not sure I know about that - maybe it was that the title was intriguing. One time it was four films that began with the letter M - what a surprise to me and I was thrilled with all of them.

This trip brought home Les Miserables, A Room with a View, and Pretty Woman. Similar story lines, on an interesting time line one from each of the last three centuries.
All three stories end with the riding off into the sunset type endings. There is the troubled young man, head strong woman, and plenty of sub plots to keep your interest.

Pretty Woman - great picture, especially with Julia and Richard. There's a couple
steaming parts, though most of the plot is his transition to realize what he wants. Besides that, great lines, great music.

Les Miserables - an amazing story - about a truthful man who struggles to make a better place in life after a
bishop gave his a chance after his release from prison. He yearns to live the honest way in life, keeping his word, and taking responsibility for his past actions that seem to thwart his life throughout the movie. It's great and I love the scenes from Paris.

A Room with a View - one of those with big scenes, back in the 'gentle' man and woman days. Set in England and bits in Italy. This young woman is traveling and growing. She's expected to marry well, though she learns about herself, her wants and what would make her happy. There is a bit of a fire in her that she struggles to keep under wraps. Costumes are amazing - lots of lace!

For you movie buffs out there, here's an interesting trio you may enjoy.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

NELG - a day at RISD Museum

Our lace group had the distinguished opportunity to view some of the lace collection at the Rhode Island School of Design Museum. Most, if not all, of the collection is not on public view and therefore Carolyn made arrangements with their director for us to view such great pieces.

Our request was, to see older, 18th century, only hand made, unusual pieces, leave out crochet and tatting - the result was just amazing and equisite. There were pieces of needle lace, bobbin lace in binche, flanders, mechlin, bruges just to name a few. There was a bed cover (in all lace) where the background netting was hand made - mind you, the time to make the netting alone - years? There was this little bumble bee placed onto the netting. We took quite a few pictures and maybe making a pattern for a group project for 2010. Lets say, there was so many ohhh and ahhhs, truly inspirational.

To our surprise - we found that we, NELG, had made a donation of a very unusual piece of lace a couple of decades ago. The director was very kind to bring it out for all of us to see. We need to find out about it's history and how it came to be that we donated it.

The picture above is a border in binche. It is enlarged as the original piece is only 7cm from the top to bottom. Yours truly hasn't had the opportunity to learn binche yet. It is a sample of what we saw. I'm awaiting for some picutres to be loaded as I couldn't take pictures with flash in the room.

Any way it was a great day for our lace makers of NELG. We are now making arrangements to demonstrate making lace at the Wadsworth Antheneum during a special exhibition of "Allure of Lace"

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shelton Friends of the Library

What a special evening. I was asked by the president, Jan, of the Friends of the Shelton Library to be their annual meeting guest speaker. "Of course" I said, it would be a honor to help them out at their FIRST annual meeting. Here they are, a spanking brand new Friends group. That's pretty rare in these parts. My beloved Friends group is just about 50 years old. They began about a year ago, organized and registered with the State, and are now awaiting the approval of their tax exempt status from the IRS.

Jan and I met at a FOCL meeting about a year ago and I was quite surprised that she remembered and called me to do this for them.

I was given 20 minutes to talk about what to do ---- ok out there stop laughing. For the record, I only went over by 2 minutes! When we actually ironed out the content of my talk, it was about beging a good Friend of a Library group. So we focused on their mission statment. A good group stays true to their mission. Often a group can go astray, and that will usually spell trouble for the group. I then spoke about being a good volunteer and making the Friends a good place to volunteer. This area is big. You need to plan and train for your volunteers, manage expectations, teach the message of the Friends, and lastl by not least - say thank you at least one hundred times. Lastly I went over some of the activities I've been involved in that fit their mission of volunteering, fund raising, and advocacy for their library.

It was a great night! Best to the Friends of the Shelton Library - hope to hear from your soon!

PS Jan was looking for two volunteers before the meeting began. After my talk, two Friends came forward and volunteered. I'm so happy for them. I'll be keeping an eye out to hear about all there successes!

PSS - Good Luck at your booksale - anyone in the 'valley', their sale begins tomorrow and runs through Sunday! Stop by and get some good reads for the winter months.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Important Date just passed

While I was away from by keyboard this past week, an important date passed. When I got back of course there is lots to do, the cat, the mail, the email, and catching up on blogs. Now if you need cables, yes you, cables for the tv, the computer or other electronic equipment call my little bro the cable guy to get your cables at the best prices on the net. opps - I got off track!

In his blog he gave such a nice mention to ShelBell, his daughter, my niece So not to forget you,


Last year I wrote birthday wishes for each of my nieces and nephews. It was fun to take some time and wish them the best. 2008 wishes for Shelby can be found here. Now I did remember to call my niece twice and send her a singing card as I knew I'd be away.

Now this year she is 14 years old. I'm in the process of making her 'big girl blanket' . Updates can be found on my Creative Sources blog. Shelby is a remarkable young lady. She and her school mates have gone before the MO legislature to let them know that MO needs to have a smoking ban in buildings. These kids made the news, and the MO legislature, while not voting it in now, the MO legislature is now listening to these kids! She loves to partake in soccer, music and let me not forget that she is her school play!

So Miss Shelby - go out there, remember to enjoy each day even when the homework piles up, you will be successful in what you choose to do, so while it is a couple of days late..... play the card I sent you and Happy Birthday wishes from the blog!

PS Shelby - Camp Aunt Patty is awaiting for you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Passing Peer Review once again in flying colors!

In accounting land, we CPAs a long time ago developed a Peer Review requirement as being part of the CPA profession. My colleagues decided that it was best to have a group of 'peers' keep an eye on our members. I can tell you, we are a tough group. The last person we want in our profession is one that would give a bit of tarnish to our name.

So every three years, all member firms go through a peer review examination. I've had the same firm examine my firm for the last three examinations and for this year's examination. I prepare files for examination, pull information about my license, firm license, continuing education, and then pull out client files to be reviewed.

Earlier tonight I opened an email with the following: "...... based on our review, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the engagements submitted for review by Patricia J. Foley, CPA for the year ended June 30, 2009, were not performed and reported on in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects. Firms can receive a rating of pass, pass with deficiencies, or fail. Patricia J. Foley, CPA has received a peer review rating of pass." signed by Solakian, Caiafa & Company LLC.

This is great news for my firm, and actually over this past weekend at my HS reunion, it was hanging over one of my shoulders. Now that this review is complete, a few moments to relish the success and I begin to prepare for the next one in 2012!

"Excellence - High Standards are the Foundation for Great Achievements!"

Monday, October 19, 2009

MIssing All of You - Busy Week

Hello to all of you once again. I've missed writing to you over the last days. I'm back in the saddle and will be back to posting regularly. So what has gone on:

My time away was filled with the end of tax season - for the last time for 2008. Yes, there are clients that needed extra time to take care of business. I'm glad it's done, like every year, it is good to have it all completed. I've some time to prepare for next year, put my improvements into place, and yes it is exciting to prepare for another tax season - it will be my 31st one at that.

It's Friends membership time of year. My staff and I worked diligently and prepared the letter, the printers took care of printing, folding and stuffing, the post office got them out in the mail and I didn't have to remind the local post office to deliver the letters from the Friends. So far, in about two weeks, we have receive over $12,000 which is more than half we are to raise.

I'm preparing to give two talks - one this week and one in November. So I'm practicing as this week's must be done in 20 minutes!

Then it was my high school reunion - yes the Class of 1974 from Trumbull High School. WOW, you do the math - it was our 35th year. I must say we are a very very handsome bunch. We've aged beautifully. Much thanks to Liz and crew that made all the arrangements. This is the first reunion I didn't organize. I was heavily involved in the fifth, tenth, fifteenth, and twenty-fifth. It is an enormous job to put on a party like this. So big thanks to her and my classmates that stepped forward.

The weekend was just too short. We had over 160 classmates attend (I graduated with over 600). It was like speed dating. You get to say, OH YEAH!!!! I KNOW YOU!! (screaming at the top of your lungs) hug hug kiss kiss, and then the reasonable safe questions, 'where are you now? what are you doing? married? kids? ' and then ding - on to the next classmate. On Sunday at brunch (for those of us that were staying at the hotel) we were remarking, in very horse voices, about who we saw and many of us surprised that 'so-in-so' was there and "I didn't see him/her". We voted, it's a do-over event as we didn't have enough time to see EVERYONE! Just some simple math - 160 classmates and if you spent just 5 minutes with each, I need 800 minutes - and that equates with over 13 hours!!!

I'll make another entry of observations and pictures once all of the pictures are posted.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

50 Lessons for Life

I received this one via email. I always wonder how these little ditties get around. So to the ever powerful Google I ask - and I received. The lady that wrote this is an amazing classy lady, a finalist for the 2009 Pulitzer Prize on Commentary. And while her original piece was taken and changed around (making her 90 yrs old, only having the first 45 lessons) I have copied the original as it appeared in the column.

Written By Regina Brett, of The Plain Dealer - a newspaper in Cleveland , Ohio.

If any of us could embrace just a few items on this list that would stretch us as the great people we are, just imagine the greatness we could achieve. Thank you Regina!

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.

46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Central's Big Makeover --

Central's Big Makeover --

Posted using ShareThis

This past summer my brother, the cable guy, was here with his family. His girls were staying over at my place but only after we took a tour back to our college days.

My BS in accounting was award from this school. In my last year or so, my brother joined me. It was about the only time he and I were in the same school at the same time. He lived on campus and I lived in a student apartment building off campus. My brother and his wife met there at CCSC. Yes it was still a college then. Just about the time I graduated, the administration was putting on the push to have it graduate to university status and they succeeded.

I'd had been back to the school several times since my graduation in 1980! Games, seminars, alumni events and just curious as this spot of land was to me, like so many others, we spent great times, got a great education and grew up. While all of that is still there, it's not that campus any longer. There are new buildings, some buildings are missing, certain student haunts are just memories. The road in the center of campus is missing, and parking is still an issue!! Some things never change. Now, the campus is amazing, it's park like, great places to hang out-of-doors.

To past presidents of the college to have this vision and have it executed - good job! There will always be a special spot in my heart for CCSC now CCSU. To all the young folks out there, I hope that you find a college that will give you the life tools, inspire you to dream, and make being in college a special time in your life.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Have you called the school lately?

I heard this the other day and wanted to share it. From a school in Queensland, Australia, you can here this phone tree. No I didn't call the school, yet it is really funny.

When I did my TA work during my MBA, I had some 80 students reporting to me for accounting work class. It was my task to instruct and re-instruct them in the daily lecture by the professor. Unfortunately I was surprised how ill equiped most of them were to take on life and it's challenges. Maybe this video could explain?

Listen up - it is funny and sad in some instances.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Drama Queen - Oh Excuse Me

Give me a break - these folks seem to be all around. They tire the daylights right out of me. So who are they. There is no limit to posts around the big WWW out there.

At Zen Habits - Simple Productivity - Leo's post today is just about that. It is a great post, full of inspiration, and the folks that wrote in, chimed in with their great thoughts. Hence this note from me. I hope you may try the click and read how to reduce and eliminate the 'drama' in your life.

One definition, thanks to WiseGeeks "Conflicts and disappointments are natural of the human experience, but for a certain personality type known as a "drama queen," life's little setbacks can trigger explosive emotional outbursts and other irrational behaviors. The term "drama queen," or less frequently, "drama king" is usually applied to someone with a demanding or overbearing personality who tends to overreact to seemingly minor incidents. A drama queen often views the world in absolutes, and only has two settings on her emotional control button; zero and ten. Psychologists might describe a drama queen or king as a neurotic personality with histrionic tendencies, meaning they tend to become needlessly dramatic whenever order is disrupted".

I'm no psychologist, and I do not pretend to have the answers. One thing I do know - you have a choice, each day, sometimes only moment by moment. I was told by one of my nieces that "oh Aunt Patty -there is drama now in life – you wouldn’t know about it”. Really, I don't think so! Today "this drama crap" gets blasted all over the place - in social networking web sites, in the paper, videos on Utube, etc. Who's texting who about whom? It reminds me of dirty laundry - please don't hang it in my back yard!

When I was growing up - I was often refered to as Sara Bernhardt - she was a very famous French actress in the second half of the 1800s and this may have been a compliment (I'm hoping so now). I may have acted a bit, looking for the lime light. Though not at the expense of someone else. I did perfom in the class plays, in drama club, and the school band. I guess a bit of a performing bug is in me. Mark Twain said about Sarah Bernhardt: There are five kinds of actresses: bad actresses, fair actresses, good actresses, great actresses -- and then there is Sarah Bernhardt.

So what to do - each day - each moment - just be in it. Stop, breath, and laugh. Then smile at everyone you see, you'll feel much better, and eveyone else will wonder what you are up to! Maybe you can convince them to join you in a peaceful pursuit of life.

PS Thanks Leo.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Before and After

So the sideboard arrived yesterday! That meant to move stuff around, empty the last of the two boxes that were brought over here last November 1st.

They have been patiently waiting to be unpacked. Mostly serving dishes and assorted non-every-day glasses and the such. It's been an issue to me, though short-term, I disquised them with a lace sheer panel I recieved last summer in order not to make it look so bad! In the past week I found my linens and gathered them all together to sort through them to see which were keepers or which were ready for the rag bag.

I have looked high and low, and finally with the decision back to this sideboard I saw last fall.

So this morning, Bob the handy guy came by with his truck and we were off to the store to pick it up. We unpacked it, inspected for any damage and it was just wonderful. In a few minutes, back to my place and we brought it in.

But there was another task at hand. When I found the sideboard, I found some lined drapes - lol - another task - I needed to hang a different rod. Currently there is a traverse rod that won't work with these. Bob with his battery operated screwdriver, a few measurements later, and wow it was up. I took down the very nice pink draperies, they need to be dry cleaned and stored for now, and wow what a difference in the room. Now some paint would be nice to really spice it up.

So here I be - finally the last box unpacked, it feels pretty good. Of course I'm done for right now, or am I? It is always a good question.
For this week, I'm going to enjoy another project completed. As I've been told, 'it will all come together'!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Heating .... It's becoming that time

Hope you have been enjoying the cooler weather we have had over the last couple of days. Pretty soon it will be the time to switch on your heating systems. Hopefully all of you have had your annual tune-up, and don't forget to put your airconditioner cover on!

I sometimes need to remind myself that it all falls into place sooner or later. This time last year I still owned my other condo. Now a year later, I've settled in here and lately have been thinking about decorating and making additional home improvements. But what to do first? Oh my goodness - there is so much. I made a list the other day outlining each floor. Don't get me wrong, it's looks fine, though I would like to get some color and architectual style into the place.

Then the phone rings - it's my heating contractor and wants to know if I want to have my furnace (a hydro / hot air system ) very inefficient and 22 years old, replaced? No problem, I don't know what I should do, and this really isn't the fun decorating stuff I refered to before. My system isn't the best as it uses the hot water to be the heat source for the heating. So I invite Ugo Digrazia over. Let me tell you about this guy. Off the boat from Italy, he's a hand shake kind of guy with more integrity than I have ever met in a contractor. He's an older fellow, has a great crew - funny thing is that I met his crew when they replaced my old furnace/air conditioner. Last year when this furnace blew up and he fixed it, his crew was still with him.

He looks, pokes around, upstairs and back down stairs, a few times over. We discuss the part about furnace, air conditioner, humidifier, the water heater and that there isn't a shut off and a drain if the heater breaks - no problem he says he'll take care of that too, and hook up the dehumidifer so that I do not have to dump a bucket of water. Then we discuss installing gas logs in the fireplace. As I told him, it's not for a heating source in as much as it is "for the romance". He laughed and winked with that Ugo twinkle in his eye. I would like to sit back and watch the fire for a bit - just relax for an hour or so on a cold winter night. Ok this is truly a luxury - but heck, it might not be as big a deal as most folks think. MOre on this later.

So with a little thinking, and I need to crunch some numbers - then of course there is the cost - a little ouch, yet it costs enough for the furnace to get me the full $1500 tax credit - COOL! For those you that are curious - he's suggesting a Carrier.

Anyway - While it is boring to replace the furnace - I surely don't wish to be out of heat, and I'd rather have efficient heat. PS it would take these items of the to-do-list.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

One Month to Vote

I found this post card at . Mr. Twain lived around the corner and was quite the character in the Hartford landscape.

Just the other day, the flags were flown at half mast as we lost another Connecticut solider in the middle east. The headlines in the paper condemned some politician for speaking up. Hundreds of people died in the earthquake / tsunami in Indonesia. In my post box was the first political mailer extolling the virtures why I should vote for this politician.

With all that has gone on, I got thinking. I'm proud to be an American. Having traveled to some three dozen countries, living here is still my first choice. I think Mr. Twain said it most eloquently "Patriotism is supporting your country all of the time, and your government when it deserves it."

One month from today is election day....... remember your voice is in your vote. Remember to go out an vote in your community!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


You may have noticed the Amazon link on the left hand side, that's new. I'm a new associate with the book and anything else store in cyber space. You will see over time, some links of books or other items that you may wish to acquire at this site. I will be giving you the opportunity to link straight through. Since I will post this link, yes, it is an advertisement, I will keep them small, and if you purchase anything on their site, yes, I will be paid a commission.

Now that is said, stop here first and link through to Amazon :) Thank you in advance,

Friday, October 2, 2009

Interesting Reads......

I would not consider myself a big reader until I needed to move a year ago. Geez, I had quite a collection of books. I'd have an even bigger collection if we didn't have libraries to borrow books from.

I have so many favorite people to deal with at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library, one of my favorites is Josh. While the libarary system will send an email telling me when a requested book arrives, Josh is often the staff member that gives me a call to let me know it is in. The Personal Touch. Today was just one of those days and beside the news of the book, a few little pleasantries with this young guy gives you such a smile. Thanks, Josh.

So today I thought I'd begin a book club - a chance to share some Interesting Reads right here with my friends. Don't worry I won't get out the accounting and tax manuals, though I will promise you it will be from the non-fiction arena, fun, though provoking, and hopefully leave you with a smile.

So to begin this - Mike Wallace's book - 50 years from today. It was published in 2008 and are interviews of 60 of the World's Greatest Minds. I hope over the next few weeks to give you a sampling of some of the thoughts and insights.

Introduction - It is rather short, even for Mike Wallace. Though he has us sit back and think of what life will be like around the year 2058. (My 17 year old niece will be 67, I could be 103 years old! ). He sets the stage to hear from some learned folks about "medical and technological miracles", about exploration to space and right here on our own planet, education, and the environment to name a few.

So keep tuned for my review of this book. I've read a bit of it all ready and am quite excited about the discussions and thoughts of the future.

"The future will be shaped by what we do in the present. We just have to decide what kind of future we want - and create it." How true is this statement - every day we can make a choice.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Great Service

Pronto Printer of Newington - I must take my hat off to this company. They are a local print shop, you can check
out their services with a simple click. I firmly know that your success depends on those individuals/companies that are in your circle. If you need something printed - you need to hire them!

When I began working on membership for the Friends of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library I needed to set up supplies - I needed a printer just for our organization. One that thought we were a good customer. I needed #10 windows, #10 regular, #9 return envelopes. Then the membership broshure and getting the logo just right. I've needed paper cut down, I needed a copy made on very large paper. Every time I asked, they were able to supply an answer. Even if they didn't print it, they would make the arrangements.

When we began, it was easy for my office to mail merge the data and send it to print. That was okay when it was 600 members. Now we have expanded our membership the mailing is over 1100 today. The files become much larger with print and graphics and to print 1100 letters(2 pages both sides) in my office would run at least 4 hours and hopefully without any jams etc. These guys have this gigantic laser printer and they were able to print the job in 40 minutes! They have lots of other great machines that make a mailing no work at all. We worked out a price and they even added a service to fold, stuff and seal the envelopes. Oh my goodness - they completed the entire job in 26 hours.

If you need a printer - these are the guys!