Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Birthday and the start of the 60th year.

Today is my birthday!  Yeah!  I'm finishing my ahemmm my 59th year and beginning a decade year - my 60th year.

This picture was taken on the celebration of completing my 50th year.  All those kids are my nieces and nephews --- update - one graduated college, three are in college, and the remaining four are in secondary school.  I'm glad to report that all are doing quite well.
Beginning this year will be different.  I'm not sure how yet.  There won't be any fanfare, no rockets blasting, instead a quite day.  I have decided to write on my blog more, read more, make plans to enjoy friends and family, and work on a challenge or two or three throughout the year.

This quote was  posted on my FB page,  It does sum up items that you can do for a great year.    Some of these I do, some I wish I did more often.  Of course 'wishing' doesn't get it done - doing - gets it done!

My birthday is often 'cancelled' due to snow.  Three years ago - all set for taking me out to dinner, calling a cab so I didn't have to drive and then Mother Nature said 'no way' and delivered about 25 inches of snow.   It was kinda cool and really pretty outside.

Tomorrow looks no different - ice, snow, rain though it may reach to 36degreesF.  Wow - like almost beach weather.  Those you you reading along - in New England we have been in the single digits and with a howling wind bringing us down to negative double digits!

The number of the birthday is just a number representing the time on earth.  Heck the guys at the TV station here where I volunteer think I'm in my 40's - so I'm loving that!

My new year begins today.  I will add to my already interesting journey - I'll call this year -  Living my 60th year.  Come on along!

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