It is Friday - slow day. Energy was not completely up to the day before. That's okay, listen to your body, it is so important especially when healing.
No in person visits set up except for the visiting nurse who came late afternoon. The visiting Nurse, Diana, lovely young and smart woman. The bandage stuck to the healing on my wound on my thigh. With tremendous patience by her, my ouching and assorted noises as we pulled off the bandage and cleaned it up. We inserted laughter, about her kids, and my slap stick comments. Thanks Diana.
Now we need to keep the wound open to the air. Think about it, front of the thigh, mid way up. Geez, such a challenge to make a fashion statement. I got stern directions NOT to go to the garden until it heals. Need to get another roll of plastic wrap !
I did get to visit via phone with my friend and Library director. I'm a trustee of the library here in town. Besides updating her on my progress, we got to talk library stuff.
Then it was my cousin Kathy. We grew up together. I was often dropped off at her house during the summer and school breaks. While we are only two months apart in age, we are a whole generation. Her dad, my uncle Georgie and my grandfather, Papa, were brothers. My Papa was 2nd oldest of 13 children and her dad was the youngest. Both Kathy and I only had brother siblings, 4 and 3, respectively. It was tough for us girls! I was the maid of honor in her wedding some 40 years ago. You could call us two peas in a pod - but we never needed to be in the pod to live our wonderful lives and be the best of the best to each other even when the times between visits could to too long. She reminded me that her grandma on her mother's side had a tumor removed from her face back some fifty years ago. Back then there was no reconstruction. I had totally forgotten that until she reminded me. Her grandma was a great lady - hope I can live up to her standards. We got each other caught up, my health situation and what's going on with her side of the family. We laughed and laughed.
Knocks at the door --- flowers arrived from a client -- they are so lovely. One of my rules about this sickness, is that I didn't want flowers, just one more thing to take care of. He's a special client and he and his staff are always great.
Amazon delivery - a smoothie / soup book from Susan M and a pink salt rock lamp & little book on friends are the family we choose from Elena. These two ladies are just too much. They have been are ready to jump in to help. I am so fortunate.
Early this day, I posted on my regular Facebook feed a letter to family & friends that may have not known about this whirlwind of this cancer. It was so difficult to reach out before. This technology has allowed me to reach out now. So many well wishes and prayers and such nice comments. It will take days to acknowledge all of them.
Thanks again to all that are in my community.