Friday, August 10, 2018

First Full Day Home

First full day home - Horray.

Being home means my healing has allowed me to return to the home front. It hit me that my fight against this rare and illusive sarcoma cancer has to begin also.  Sleep not was comfy as in the hospital bed.  That one cradled me with all sorts of pillows and massage options.

Day one was attempting to do things - sometimes the effort of three times to so something so simple like pouring a portion of apple sauce, forgot the dish, spoon, putting jar back in fridge.  I just crack me up.

An almost three hour meeting with the visiting nurse.  Nice guy, I get squeamish doing medical things.  though the dressing on my thigh is not doing well.  I'll call them today to find out how not to have the gauze stick so I continues to heal.

Lots of phone calls and messages on my FB page Patty's Journey from friends, family, neighbors.  There are so many requests to help me out, so fortunate for that.

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