Friday, August 10, 2018

Second day Home

Relief - Dana came over and washed my hair.  It feels so much better.  I have to keep my neck wounds covered so it did not get done in the hospital.  Breakfast was difficult as getting applesauce, It took me five tries to get it and in place for breakfast!  Some items / tasks are amazing effort physically and mentally.  I'm sure it will be getting better.

I'm still a bit fuzzy with my time line from the operation.  Need to think twice to make sure I am picking the right words to say.  It is like the words a circling my head to be able to get them out.  Typing on the other hand seems not to be an issue.  It's all the "sleep medicine" that is still lingeringly around.

Talking - I should say, re-learning to talk.  Since the interior of my mouth changed with removal of my right bone palate and replace with a soft tissue palate, it is challenging.  Then the hole left from the tracheotomy still makes talking difficult.  I have a whispery voice as the air escapes the hole when I forget to push against it.  More than three syllable words sometimes messes me up, along with lots of 's' .  I've gone through this many times when I changed retainers and plates. 

Progress - it seems my upper lip is less swollen, bottom lip, not yet.  Right side of my face continues to reduce in swelling.  Finding sections of my face that have no feeling is still coming to light.  Seems the docs did a great job with attempting not to disrupt to many of my facial nerves.

It was a good day.

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