Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Consultants Coming

Selling and buying a residence has been raised to an art form. If you've taken in the various shows on HGTV, then you'll be more aware. Now I'll remind you that I was renting my place first, went out one day as a tenant and came back as the owner. It was easy, none of this stuff to deal with.

Agent Lee has been a my right hand lady in all of this. She arranged that later today, the Inspector is coming. I'll get to watch, ask a zillion questions, and find out all I'll need to do to manage this new place. Heating, air conditioning, plugs, appliances, lights, mold, radon, and the list goes on.

Later on, the Stager will be coming to look at my current place to see what I need to do to prepare it for selling. It will be a busy day.

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