Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Down to Hours ...... St Louis and the Election

Well, so much as been going on = not much sleep.

The Woodsedge Condo - sold - so that meant a final move!

The Crown Ridge Condo - it now has furniture!

The Friends had their one day booksale - and they just about cleared $13K - Great Job!

Great night at the polls - over all we signed up 97 citizens for new library cards.

My state Rep Sandy Nafis - she swept our district and I had the opportunity to visit her at the Dem headquarters for a few minutes to offer my congratulations. Glad she's going to be on the job again!

I just heard part of Pres Elect Obama acceptance speach - sad day for US - As a country we will need to stand viligent - call your Congress person ! Make your voice heard in DC! While the election is finished (thank goodness) the work has just begun. enough for now

Then the last two days - get my home in order, mail, email, set-up Paulette for work to accomplish, get additional communications equipment, run around - banking, post office to mail the stuff to Pete's ; laundry, clean out car as it will be going in for repairs while I'm away; get the carpenter Bob the materials he'll need to do the Garage shelving units; write a few thoughts in this blog; just a usual day at my place!

So in about 10 hrs I'll be boarding a plane and end up in St. Louis, Continue to watch the blog as it will be the assault of Aunt Potty in St. Louis LOL!

Sweet dreams to all!

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