Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Women - all over the world

In my readings, sometimes I come across such moving information, advice and wisdom. Tonight was just one of those nights.

Thanks to a blog, Get Rich Slowly, JD highlights this very important museum exhibition - Econimica: Women and the Global Economy. It is being shown online at the International Museum of Women IMOW.

If you do anything in the next couple of days - please stop by and see this exhibition. IMOW mission is to value the lives of women around the world. The exhibition highlights what microlending has done to empower women and in turn how their individual communities have evolved. Though some slideshows, you can visit China, India, and Bolivia just to name a few. I have been so moved. While we have come 'along way baby', even in this country women still don't have the same opportunities. It is much better than those fights we had back in the sixties and seventies. Let alone the decades that women stood up and fought for their rights to give me opportunities. Think about it, it isn't over. Take a look, you may be surprised what women in other contries are still coping with. May these women be blessed with courage and strength as they continue to thrive and grow.

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