Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Unit awaits the Stager

Wow.. with thanks to Tom, we moved out the balance of the stuff from whenever. I fixed little items, removed parts of the old security system, threw out more little bits and pieces. I probably have one more vacuum, a floor wash, a touch up or so. Christine, the stager, is coming back next week to do a once over and final touches.

of course what I bring back from the old condo to the new condo needs to be then put away. I continue to make and remake spaces to store items to make them accessible and effective and efficient to use.

Now do I try to sell it myself or do I sell it myself? What ever leads I did have , have not panned out. So hiring my realator is one way. I guess I a little too tired today to think about this. a good night sleep would we nice right now.

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