Thursday, December 25, 2014

Snowflake Challenge

Happy Christmas to all!  Here's a snowflake that you won't have to shovel, slip on, scrape the car....  it's handmade and here for your to enjoy.

It's an original by Snowcatcher - She's an inspiration and what better way to celebrate this day than to bring in new life.  With a wee bit of thread, a hook, and waiting for the bread to come out of the oven, a new snowflake was born.

I have made snowflakes in the past.  I've lots of pattern books, plenty of thread, and no plan or organization!! During one of my Challenge days - I was looking for my thread crochet books and viola - I found the snowflakes I made and did nothing except leave them in the book.

Ahh - this could be a challenge for the new year?  So I took an old notebook to put the patterns in, found some scrap book paper so I could photograph the creations, and thought about a schedule. How many do I want?  Where will I use them?  Over what time frame?  All good questions - none answered.  I'm feeling it would be nice to do one a week?

After a bit of hunting, I found those I made before. A few photographs, copying the patterns for my notebook so I could find them easier - I have found that with the two made today, I have a total of nine snowflakes.  Simple math - by October 2015 - I will have 50 snowflakes.  That's sounds doable!

I'm off for now - I didn't expect this diversion today - It was a bonus gift to me.

Merry Christmas to all.......  and now... Let it Snow!

Pattern by:

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